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  • Bain grey

    It's an honor to work with Momentum... it puts me in a completely different league of ABM-ers

    Barka Pai

    Account and Industry Marketing, Bain & Company

  • Statestreet grey

    We were able to pilot account-based marketing really quickly, show the value that can add, and now we're looking ahead to scale across our top business opportunities.

    Iulia Balan

    Managing Director, Head of Product and Account-Based Marketing, State Street 

  • Statestreet grey

    There is no way that any other partner would be able to do this type of work.

    Wendy Smith

    Managing Director of Strategic Marketing, State Street

  • Statestreet grey

    Ultimately, it comes down to the impressive team that gave us the confidence. This is truly outstanding work by Momentum. 

    Iulia Balan

    Managing Director, Head of Product and Account-Based Marketing, State Street 

  • Salesforce grey

    The strategies have served as a playbook for me over the years with my top accounts, delivering impressive results. To any B2B organization that is looking to win or grow strategic accounts, I recommend partnering with Alisha’s team.

    Danny Nail

    Global Centre of Excellence Lead, Salesforce