Grow key accounts

Design, operationalize, and embed account-based programs. 

Ideal for:

It pays to invest marketing dollars in your existing client base. Our Client Buying Index surveys highlight that enterprises continue to show a marked preference for their existing solution provider. As many as 66% of strategic opportunities end in the lap of the incumbent. 

But there’s no room for complacency. In many cases, it’s negative rather than positive motivations that drive loyalty.

  • 72%

    of enterprises say the perceive high switching costs as a significant barrier to changing providers

  • 45%

    of those who go with a new provider describe innovation as the key driver for change

Five steps to key account success

  • 1

    Assess process, systems and capabilities, prioritize accounts, and benchmark performance.

  • 2

    Design and right size ABM strategy, together with implementation roadmap and program office.

  • 3

    Develop sales and marketing teams with integrated account development skills.

  • 4

    Engage accounts with relevant and consistent experiences, with flight plans, content, and communications.

  • 5
    Value realization

    Optimize key account growth performance across relationships, reputation, and revenue.

Optimize and embed ABM across your business

Use our proven Account-Based Marketing Adoption Framework to evaluate the maturity of your key account programs, understand how they're performing across critical success factors, and prioritize areas for improvement. Together, we can ensure your Account-Based Marketing programs drive market-beating performance.

ABM adoption framework
  • Core HR grey

    That speed and agility and creativity in being able to get up and running really helped.

    Gaynor Finlay

    Vice President of Marketing, CoreHR

  • Dell grey

    I knew we had a hit on our hands when the CEO of a multi-billion-pound organisation started waving the document at Michael Dell during a Zoom call. 

    Elliot Young

    Chief Technology Officer, Dell Technologies

  • Statestreet grey

    This is truly outstanding work by Momentum.

    Hannah Grove

    Chief Marketing Officer, State Street

  • Salesforce grey

    Momentum is a strategic growth consultancy. They are partners, always bringing additional value to the table with deep knowledge and bringing innovation in their approach.

    Danny Nail

    Global Head of ABM, Salesforce 

  • I truly appreciate your guidance and support with this ABM plan. I’ve enjoyed learning more about modern ABM techniques and how they can be applied to support our business growth.