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Marketing Transformation: The case of microsoft
Valerie Beaulieu at Microsoft thinks marketing is the best job, and her excitement for marketing’s leadership role in digital transformation is contagious!
Client Advocacy Drives Business Growth at Unisys
Buyers choose providers with stellar track records, knowledgeable experts, and third-party validation. Executives want proven solutions. Client references and advocacy are powerful ways to do exactly that...
Hp Inc. and ABM: Bringing 'cold dead and hostile' accounts to life
Account-Based Marketing can be the centerpiece of a dedicated business strategy. HP’s success with ABM drove revenue and earned new respect for marketing.
Innovation in ABM: ServiceNow tells us how
B2B companies are demonstrating innovation in ABM to get even better returns. The ABM program at the digital workflows enterprise, ServiceNow, is a good example.
O2: Cracking the B2B market with ABM
O2 decided to raise its profile as a communications provider in the B2B space. The approach was underpinned by a passionate belief in the power of ABM.
IBM embraces the New Work of Marketing
The New Work of Marketing initiative is changing the way IBM’s marketers work. Success is based on understanding the buyers’ role, challenges, and behavior.