Operationalizing Colt’s account-based strategy

  • 5 min
  • 05 Jun 2024

Colt aims to enhance its enterprise value and EBITDA performance through client acquisition and growth.

key account success for global service provider

From the start, Momentum recognized the challenges to develop and execute a program like this to our accounts. The interactive network mapping and hyper-personalized content is a highly effective account-based program for us. 

Jenni Sach, Director, Business Partner, Colt

Utilizing technographic data, we developed a holistic framework for account pattern recognition and created engaging, personalized content, integrated into the martech stack.

  • 140

    Accounts across 20k sites mapped

  • 90

    Client facing stakeholders enabled

  • $26m

    Pipeline and $13m in bookings

We executed tailored campaigns in six languages, closely collaborating with Colt's marketing and sales teams for successful implementation. This resulted in engaging 1,696 contacts from 140 accounts, generating 802 new pipeline opportunities and €13.6 million in bookings.

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