Rethink ABM - US

Rethink ABM — New York

Join us at Rethink ABM — New York to challenge the status quo, gain unparalleled insights, and redefine the future of Account-Based Marketing. 

Rethink ABM — New York

It’s time to confront the seismic changes in buying behavior: to succeed in this market, how you align and execute customer-centric strategies and how you win, retain, and grow accounts must evolve. 

This event is for ambitious marketing leaders and ABM practitioners who are ready to lead their organizations and meet the needs of clients with innovative approaches and transformative strategies.


  • A powerful and provocative keynote from behavior expert and bestselling author, Jez Rose, to inspire a new leadership approach
  • In-depth, practical workshops including the latest in generative AI use cases to impact client growth
  • Networking opportunities with senior marketers
  • Insightful panel discussions featuring diverse perspectives 
    from experts including:
    • Serge Perignon, Global Head, Thought Leadership & Services Marketing, Tata Consultancy Services
    • Karin McEwen, Senior Director of Worldwide Marketing 
      Programs, MathWorks 
    • Mendeil Bailey, Director, Amer Account-Based Marketing, Worldwide Marketing, Autodesk  
    • Alicia Hale, SVP of Growth Marketing, Demandbase 
    • Iris Meijer, Chief Product & Marketing Officer, Verizon Business 
    • Sharon Driscoll, CMO, Account-Based Marketing Leader, IBM
    • Ed Brunins, Vice President of Marketing, RQI Partners
    • Christine Ferhat, Customer Experience Lead, CRB
    • Eric Martin, ABM Leader, formerly of AWS, SAP



Registration and breakfast

Alisha Lyndon, CEO, Momentum ITSMA, shares her thoughts on the future of client growth strategies and what the next chapter of marketing has in store. 

Jez Rose, a celebrated TED Talker, broadcaster, author, and presenter, has worked with top organizations from Oracle to Coca-Cola helping leaders to develop highly engaged, successful teams. 

Jez's keynote will delve into the critical importance of a client-centric approach, where high performance is not just a goal but a shared journey, achieved through intentional behavior change and results-led leadership. 

In a time marked by unprecedented challenges – from widespread layoffs and restructuring to increasingly demanding targets – marketing practitioners need leadership that truly inspires and empowers. 

You will leave with actionable insights on fostering resilience, leading with empathy, and building a culture of high performance that is adaptable to any challenge.

Iris Meijer, Chief Product & Marketing Officer, Verizon Business, and Meta Karagianni, Chief Consulting Officer, Momentum ITSMA, explore the evolution and future of client-centric growth strategies against a background of increasingly complex B2B buying, client relationships and market environments. They’ll discuss what it means to be “client-centric” and how to pivot the marketing engine around your customer. 

This frank discussion will address structural and cultural challenges, the role of generative AI, and the balance between technological efficiency and human engagement – and underscore client-centric and ABM's crucial role in fostering trust and sustainable client growth. You’ll also get a first look at brand new research from Momentum ITSMA on the global state of ABM and growth marketing.




Our breakout workshops are designed to allow you troubleshoot challenges, collaborate with your peers, and surface practical solutions in a supportive environment. 

Choose the session most relevant to you.

Room 1: Scaling content for effective client engagement 

Learn how other organizations have overcome common challenges in ABM, such as developing customized assets at scale, tracking and measuring results, and maximizing resources for a higher return on investment. Understand how to establish a framework for an insight-led go-to-market strategy in a competitive landscape where buyers are more informed than ever.

Key takeaways:

  • Strategies to scale an ABM approach effectively across multiple accounts
  • Techniques to optimize content and marketing tactics for better client engagement
  • Insights on creating customized assets at scale and measuring success
  • Methods to achieve ROI without increasing expenditure
  • Framework for developing an insight-led go-to-market strategy in a competitive environment


This session is ideal for marketers looking to expand their ABM programs efficiently and effectively.

Room 2: Is market research driving your marketing? 

Gain insights from leaders who have successfully leveraged market research to shape their marketing strategies and drive client-centric growth. With the help of practical examples, learn how to apply these techniques to your own strategies.

Key takeaways:

  • Understand the importance of market research in shaping effective marketing strategies
  • Learn from case studies showcasing the value of market insights in driving client growth
  • Discover how to refocus your strategy to be more client-centric using market research
  • Get answers from industry experts and practitioners on utilizing 
    market research


This workshop is built for marketers looking to elevate their client growth strategies through data-driven insights.



Lunch and speed networking / Invite-only professional services working session

Marketing plays a radically different role in shaping the trajectory and growth of organizations compared to 10 years ago. As a result, we need new skills, cultures, and mindsets to thrive. 

This panel of leaders will explore how recent external and internal change — from generative AI to contracting leadership tenures — impacts marketing teams. We’ll discuss how to lead your organization into the future and nurture talent to meet tomorrow’s challenges.


  • Karin McEwen, Senior Director of Worldwide Marketing Programs, Mathworks 
  • Mendeil Bailey, Director, Amer Account-Based Marketing, Worldwide Marketing, Autodesk 
  • Alicia Hale, SVP of Growth Marketing, Demandbase 

Our latest Client Buying Index (CBX) reveals that buyers are now using generative AI to research and evaluate solution providers. A full 71% of our survey respondents agree that generative AI will change the way they work with vendors. Its most advanced users are convinced that the technology will even help them make better purchase decisions.

This fireside discussion will dive into the impact of generative AI on how we work with clients — and our colleagues — and explore ways to seize the generative AI opportunity.



Our breakout workshops are designed to help you troubleshoot challenges, collaborate with your peers, and ask questions in a supportive environment. 

Choose the session most relevant to you. 

Room 1: 

Gain insights into proven strategies and tools for scaling your generative AI efforts efficiently. Learn practical approaches to enhance your ABM initiatives, using real-world examples and client case studies.

Key takeaways:

  • Understand effective generative AI tactics supported by Momentum ITSMA data and research
  • Learn how to scale generative AI in ABM using our proprietary frameworks
  • Explore practical strategies for enhancing your ABM initiatives
  • Discover how to start your journey with generative AI effectively

This session is ideal for marketers at the start of their generative AI journey looking to explore and trial its potential.

Room 2: 

Dive deep into the practical challenges and opportunities of using generative AI in ABM. Discuss real-world use cases, risk management strategies, and the latest research insights for a more nuanced understanding of the technology and its impact. 

Key takeaways:

  • Explore how to use generative AI to drive ROI and scale ABM programs
  • Learn from real-world use cases and proven risk management strategies
  • Gain insights from Momentum ITSMA’s latest buyer and marketing benchmark research
  • Participate in a 'promptathon' to develop creative and effective AI prompts
  • Develop the foundation of a robust generative AI strategy that balances innovation with practicality

This session is designed for ABM program leaders looking to develop and scale an existing generative AI strategy.



Thought leadership is essential for enhancing reputation, building relationships, and ultimately winning deals. But without long-term investment in the brand, short-term activation tactics will become less effective over time: a balanced approach is critical.

From this panel session, you’ll gain valuable perspectives on how these priorities impact the thought leadership you create and practical strategies to balance these objectives and enhance your ABM initiatives.


  • Serge Perignon, Global Head, Thought Leadership & Services Marketing, Tata Consultancy Services
  • Mark Wellings, Executive Director, Thought Leadership, Momentum ITSMA

Our speakers and workshop leaders will share learnings from the day’s sessions and reflect on the lessons and practices to take back to your organizations. 

Followed by a drinks reception


Drinks reception



Fees and Registration

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Rethink ABM — New York

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    That speed and agility and creativity in being able to get up and running really helped.

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  • Thank you so much for all your guidance and support in the last few months, all the sessions and feedback have really helped me better understand and plan for ABM.

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    I knew we had a hit on our hands when the CEO of a multi-billion-pound organisation started waving the document at Michael Dell during a Zoom call. 

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