About us

Rethink ABM


The consultancy that puts client relationships first

Momentum is the growth consultancy obsessed with your client success. Our market-leading Account-Based Marketing helps businesses turn accounts into valued partnerships and succeed with client-centric growth strategies. 

What we do

Who we are

We invented ABM in 2003. Now we’re reinventing client growth.

Momentum has a history of innovation – pioneering Account-Based Marketing at the turn of the millennium. And we haven’t stopped innovating since.

Today, we help large organizations grow market share by centering their go-to-market strategy on the most important thing in business: clients. By creating deep and meaningful relationships, you can go beyond traditional business interactions and spark a spirit of partnership that propels everybody forward.

Impact of our work

  • 5x

    Improvement in win rates by embedding a strategic client culture and motivating greater senior attention on deepening client relationships.

  • 16%

    Increase in year-on-year revenue with the design and implementation of stronger strategic client programs.

  • 3,000

    Professionals that we have certified in ABM.

  • 2x

    Lift in Net Promoter Score as a result of the actions taken from our client analysis.


Client choice

Where the stakes are high and the expectations even higher. Trusted by the world's leading companies, we partner with over 60% of the S&P 100.

Execution at speed

We excel at global programs, by working closely with you as an extension of your team, drawing on expert practices, to prioritize short- and long-term client focus for rapid, sustainable value creation.

Unrivalled expertise

Nobody knows how the Global 2000 buy like we do. Our expert practices and experience ensures we partner with you to deliver lasting growth unlike any other firm.

Continuous innovation

We understand how clients buy and combine this with our go-to-market experience to fuel success. We have the expertise, tools, and processes that have defined Account-Based Marketing (ABM) and continue to lead innovation in this discipline.


Explore the Account-Based Marketing Podcast

Dive into our top 100 management podcast Account-Based Marketing Podcast to hear how market leaders are driving strategic growth.

A collection of conversations with business leaders, sharing thoughts and practical tips for growing your valuable clients.

Latest in

Make your clients
your world

Our people think big and deliver big

Our team are as client-centric as the strategies we build.

We have a restless energy, are proactive and always lead with the best advice based on our knowledge of what really works. We take extreme ownership of our partnership with you – so you benefit from our expertise in strategic client development and marketing, our unrivalled experience in developing accounts from the global 2,000, and strong desire to help you win. 

As one team, we can help you to build win-win relationships.

See careers

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  • Statestreet grey

    We were able to pilot account-based marketing really quickly, show the value that can add, and now we're looking ahead to scale across our top business opportunities.

    Iulia Balan, Managing Director, Head of Product and Account-Based Marketing 
    State Street 

  • Accenture grey

    Put simply, Lyndon’s team and process drive incredible impact. Thanks to the support of Alisha’s team, our account team was able to harmonize the siloed activities and messages and structure this in a five-pillar strategy that everyone in the account team was able to articulate well at an international bank in the Netherlands, leading to the biggest deal in the history of our company.

    Eric Visser
    Head of Ecosystem Sourcing Services, Accenture 

  • It's an honor to work with Momentum... it puts me in a completely different league of ABM-ers

    Barka Pai, Account and Industry Marketing

    Bain & Company

  • Oracle grey

    Major account sales is quite a brutal environment, and often people get fairly overwhelmed by that. I was prepared to let them work with me directly with account teams.

    Michael Avis, Senior Director, EMEA Marketing, Oracle 

  • Dell grey

    I knew we had a hit on our hands when the CEO of a multi-billion-pound organisation started waving the document at Michael Dell during a Zoom call. 

    Elliot Young, Chief Technology Officer, Dell Technologies