ABM certification and mentoring

June 24 ABM Certification: Master the art of ABM

In today's fast-paced and fiercely competitive landscape, succeeding with Account-Based Marketing (ABM) demands a unique blend of marketing skills, leadership capability, and business acumen.


At Momentum ITSMA, we proudly stand as pioneers of ABM – we understand the essential ingredients for success and our training will equip you with the skills to master the art of ABM.

We have worked alongside renowned B2B technology, telecom, and financial services firms, designing and executing groundbreaking ABM strategies and programs. Our unmatched expertise, proven methodology, and practical experience has enabled us to train and empower thousands of marketers from award-winning ABM programs, for over a decade.

Our industry-leading ABM Certification is exclusively designed for experienced client-side marketing professionals who aspire to elevate their ABM to new heights. Our high caliber learning experience fosters genuine expertise and collaboration, in an environment dedicated to excellence and tangible results. Over five months, you’ll engage in four weeks of immersive online sessions, in-depth webinars, 15 weeks of expert mentoring, and five one-on-one sessions, gaining invaluable insights to develop a robust ABM plan.

When you take part in our ABM training, you’re not only getting a certification; you’re joining an elite community of ABM professionals who’ve harnessed our cutting-edge programs and credentials. Grounded in leading industry research and the practices of the world’s highest-performing organizations, our curriculum equips you with the skills and knowledge to align your marketing strategy with overarching business objectives, delivering exceptional outcomes to drive growth.

We value your time, which is why our online program focuses on real-world practice and delivers immediate value. With direct mentorship from seasoned industry experts, you’ll emerge from our program equipped with an actionable ABM plan ready to implement. You’ll also gain invaluable insights from industry experts, delve into real-world case studies, engage in dynamic group work and discussions, and forge valuable connections with fellow marketers tackling similar ABM challenges.

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  • It has been a pleasure working with you and your team. I learned a lot and enjoyed the sessions! Now I will use the learnings and execute. I will definitely recommend this training.

  • I truly appreciate your guidance and support with this ABM plan. I’ve enjoyed learning more about modern ABM techniques and how they can be applied to support our business growth.

  • Salesforce grey

    Customer trust is hard won, and easily lost. Having worked firsthand with Lyndon, she knows what it takes to build trust, reputation, and relationships with key accounts. This approach works.

    Nina Gmachl-Eshuis

    Vice President, Salesforce 

  • Statestreet grey

    This is truly outstanding work by Momentum.

    Hannah Grove

    Chief Marketing Officer, State Street

  • Rich Data Co grey

    Lyndon and her team’s insight, vision, and laser focus on strategy execution in aligning customer executives meant we delivered our unique value proposition concisely and consistently to get a record-breaking business transformation deal over the line. She codifies that experience in this book and provides you with a step-by-step guide in how to inspire customers.

    Ada Guan

    Chief Executive Officer, Rich Data Co