Seeing Competitive Intelligence in a new light

  • 09 Feb 2021

Momentum ITSMA

Momentum ITSMA, leader in account-based marketing, has launched a new Competitive Intelligence (CI) service for businesses and appointed top executives from the field to lead it including Diane Borska, SVP of Consulting. Hear what Diane has to say.

Having spent more than 20 years as a competitive intelligence practitioner and consultant, I’ve long been on a mission to find new ways to help clients realize value from market and competitive intelligence by developing resilient strategies, making better decisions, and achieving sustained competitive advantage.

A small group having a meeting

As a part of that mission, I’ve supported clients with bespoke, targeted intelligence projects, created and delivered long-term competitor monitoring programs, designed and launched corporate CI programs, and led wargames and scenario-based strategic planning workshops. During 2020, the global pandemic created social isolation and fear of the future; it disrupted daily life, upending our regular routines. The uncertainty of 2020 gave me reason and opportunity to soberly reflect on my mission.

As industries transform and evolve, the focus of competitive intelligence should shift to support these changes. But how to define this new application and bring it to market?

Momentum ITSMA staff

Over the past year, we have seen whole industries shift rapidly to accommodate the new reality, redefining not only where and how their employees work but how they interact with their customers, suppliers, channel partners, and other stakeholders. The impacts of the pandemic have been starkly uneven. While the travel and hospitality, oil and gas, and automotive industries have struggled, the healthcare and life sciences, food retail, and tech sectors have prospered. Across industries, new businesses and new business models are emerging, as much out of necessity as ongoing innovation initiatives. As industries transform and evolve, the focus of competitive intelligence should shift to support these changes. But how to define this new application and bring it to market? In my search for the answer, I have found and joined Momentum ITSMA, with a new mission: To expand Momentum ITSMA’s competitive intelligence offering and ensure CI is at the core of its client growth strategies. Momentum ITSMA pioneered account-based marketing over 10 years ago and today remains focused on helping clients achieve profitable growth by understanding and anticipating customer needs, spotting new market opportunities, examining the shifting competitive landscape, and developing and implementing robust strategies. I find the synergies with my competitive intelligence legacy compelling and I’m eager to support Momentum ITSMA’s focus on driving insights to action, bringing all the CI tools and techniques to support client growth.

Our expanding competitive intelligence practice is already hard at work on projects to help clients adapt to the market changes, respond to new policies and technologies, launch new products, and grow market share. If you’re looking to get ahead of the market, navigate the changing landscape, and develop a resilient strategy, I’d love to talk.

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