Deepen executive relationships

Proactively build executive relationships in your high-value accounts by mapping connections, developing engagement strategies, and driving consistency.

If you're looking to build trust with your most important accounts, our Client Buying Index data tell us two of your most valuable assets are your own people - particularly your executive team and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).

Effective key account marketing goes beyond multiple digital touches. It involves combining high-frequency digital engagement with rich, high-quality human interactions.

  • 45%

    of enterprises say meeting with your executive team is their preferred way to establish and build a partnership based on trust

Five steps for supercharged relationships

  • 1

    Map existing executive approaches and assess strategy to inform relationship model.


  • 2

    Design relationship strategy with stakeholder analysis and program orchestration.

  • 3

    Enable client-facing teams with thought leadership and consistent relationship development actions.

  • 4

    Orchestrate joined-up executive relationship building and engagement to deepen relationships.

  • 5
    Value realization

    Evaluate relationship tracking and harness insights for continuous improvement.

Take a deliberate approach to developing relationships

Use our Relationship Strength Model to understand the quality of your executive relationships and build a tailored engagement plan to turn your contacts into advocates. 

Executive engagement framework
  • Statestreet grey

    Ultimately, it comes down to the impressive team that gave us the confidence. This is truly outstanding work by Momentum. 

    Iulia Balan, Managing Director, Head of Product and Account-Based Marketing 
    State Street 

  • Accenture grey

    Put simply, Lyndon’s team and process drive incredible impact. Thanks to the support of Alisha’s team, our account team was able to harmonize the siloed activities and messages and structure this in a five-pillar strategy that everyone in the account team was able to articulate well at an international bank in the Netherlands, leading to the biggest deal in the history of our company.

    Eric Visser
    Head of Ecosystem Sourcing Services, Accenture 

  • Dell grey

    I knew we had a hit on our hands when the CEO of a multi-billion-pound organisation started waving the document at Michael Dell during a Zoom call. 

    Elliot Young, Chief Technology Officer, Dell Technologies

  • Statestreet grey

    There is no way that any other partner would be able to do this type of work.

    Wendy Smith, Managing Director of Strategic Marketing, State Street

  • Statestreet grey

    We were able to pilot account-based marketing really quickly, show the value that can add, and now we're looking ahead to scale across our top business opportunities.

    Iulia Balan, Managing Director, Head of Product and Account-Based Marketing 
    State Street