
The Momentum ITSMA Client Buying Index (CBX)

The Momentum ITSMA Client Buying Index (CBX)

CBX identifies buying behavior trends and provides actionable advice to help marketers play a deeper role in winning new business, build stronger connections with clients, and achieve business goals.

We survey hundreds of key decision makers from enterprise organizations across various sectors and territories to bring you rigorous, diversified data that will change how you approach your next growth opportunity.

Our client buying research allows you to:

  • Reduce buyer friction by understanding and serving the needs of buyers at every stage
  • Develop more engaging and relevant content with deeper understanding of buying personas and the buying process
  • Accelerate time to market informed by when, how, and why people buy a particular solution

By measuring crucial aspects like awareness, perceptions, customer sentiment, and likelihood to purchase, you can refine your approach and foster a client-centric environment that promotes loyalty and sustainable growth.